

Well, I am finally writing a second post. This blogging stuff is hard to do with two kids, etc. I thought I would have more free time this summer. Boy, was I wrong. I have been busy. In order to renew my teaching license, I have taken three one day workshops through SOITA. I am glad to have the designated time to learn. Time is so nice.

I have taken three one day workshops. Two were Learn it and Leave with it classes. I liked relearning how to use a digital camera. Basically, it boiled down to two main points...
1. Use the Auto feature and do you editing on the computer. This one I typically do anyway, just from being unaware of what the other icons did.
2. Use the rule of thirds. I really like this one. I have left the grid view on the screen and it seems to help me take better pictures. The other learn with it and leave with it class was on the flip camera. Nothing too new there.

Lastly, I took a one day workshop on blogs and wikis. That is where I learned to download and use this fancy schmancy template. I also gained some fabulous resources to other teachers' blogs. Now it boils down to time. I hope to investigate and implement more of the tools I have discovered from my SOITA classes.

Later this week I take one more SOITA class on SmartBoards. I just got a 3M projector in my classroom, and I EAGER to learn how the Smart software can engage students more.

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